The mission of a Reman Workshop

First of all, why reman?

Recycling, jobs, cost reduction.

Hard to debate any of the above reasons, as long as quality is fine.

Obviously not everyone thinks of reman as the same.

Some aim to literally re-produce a new part using some of the major old components, while others only do the necessary repairs in a minimalist style.

Both of the approaches (and all the virtually unlimited grades in-between) are in demand on the market. 

Whichever level one positions himself as a supplier of remanufactured automotive and truck parts, the most important thing to focus on is to supply a steady, predictable and tested quality.
There are and will be many sideways offering a further cost reduction.

Saving a Euro here and there is not the real problem. Losing integrity is.

Once the person in charge has compromised himself, there's no way back.

So, just decide where you belong to and from then on, constantly follow through. Yes, there will be extra costs and seemingly unnecessary processes. But this is the only way you can distinguish yourself from the bottom which is overcrowded. Everyone claims to be a REMANUFACTURER, but the proof is in the product.

It's kind of like creating a masterpiece of art, isn't it? 

Inbound delivery of used calipersReady to ship brake calipers


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